原•美术馆 文章出处:云威科技 发表时间:2021-09-06 09:56:30
Launched by Ms. Luo Shaoying in 2016, the Yuan Art Museum is open to the public since December 16, 2016. Located in a riverside spherical building among the business complex of Dongyuan 1891 in Nanbin Road, Chongqing, the Museum is known as the Eye of Chongqing for its unique shape. As an avant-garde art space, this Museum, seated along the Yangtze River, allows the visitors to have an overview over the world. Covering an area of nearly 2,000 sqm, it has a terrace in the sky, presenting the spectacular view of the Yangtze River. The space serves the purposes of artwork collection and appraisal, public art education, fashion event planning and high-end consumer community interactions as a unique landscape building and art space. The Museum is able to present several forms of art, play as well as dance and music performance with easels, sculptures, installations and multimedia.